Mainstream media, Syria, and non-news
Submarine sonar men in the navy have a thing they call “looking for holes in the water”. modern submarines, with their sound absorbing coatings and electric drives are so quiet that they can’t be heard when sitting still. So what the sonar man has to do is listen to the back ground sounds, and see if they are being blocked. Like something leaving a shadow. And by the absence of sound, the acoustic shadow, they can tell where the enemy sub is. In this day an age of CGI and manufactured video, where you can watch Forest Gump shake LBJ’s hand, it seems that what we see on the news isn’t nearly as important as what we DON’T see on the news. The mainstream news agencies act as if they don’t understand why their viewers/readers are leaving. But in this Internet age, people can compare the “alternative” news, with what main stream media is presenting. The current situation in Syria is a good example. We are being told how bad the Assad’s government is, and that they are committing chemical weapons attacks. But there is no proof being presented. But you can go to the alternative media and see documents of previous attacks by the rebels. We see videos and photos of atrocities being committed by the rebels. The main stream media doesn’t show all the dead Christians and churches being burned by the rebels, but if go to the web, it’s there. The rebels were so arrogant as to upload video of themselves loading mortars with chemical weapons shells and firing them, in the attack we are being told was Assad’s troops. There is video of a rebel leader that John Kerry met with, a couple of weeks later EATING THE HEART OF A CHRISTIAN! But only if you go to the web. The main stream media’s cloaked agenda is found by the shadow of their “hole in the water”. an Iraq muslim bombs a social security office in Arizona. It’s not news. A muslim man in California attacks a sheriff while yelling “alla Akbar”. not news. These, and the many other “terrorist attacks” on American soil are not news the mainstream media wants to present to us, and are obvious in their absence. You have to wonder why these stories are not carried, in fact almost suppressed, by the main stream media. What is this strange vessel hiding out there, in that hole in the water?
video of rebels launching chemical weapons attack
syrian rebels admit responsibility for chemical weapons attacks
iraq bombs SS office
sword wielding muslim attacks sheriff
other muslim attacks in America