Friday, October 4, 2013

knock knock

"Knock Knock"

just heard a talking head on the MSM, while talking about the so called government shutdown, say that both sides are waiting to hear a message from the people. I think there are some very clear messages that the citizenry are turning against the administration. military officers are leaking videos and info on war crimes. government contractors are releasing and leaking government documents about domestic spying on the populace. a government contractor that works with "special weapons", claiming to be under the attack of the same type weapons, attacked where he thought the threat was coming from, at the DC navy yard. a woman with no history of violent behavior, talking about being spied on by obama, tries to crash her car into the white house gate, 2 million bikers showed up at to counter a "million muslim march (that only had 25 people show up). there is a similar trucker event coming up, where they are going to show up in washington. have you seen the banners hanging from the overpasses calling for impeachment?  and now, in protest a man douses himself with gasoline and sets himself on fire, at the washington mall. a form of protest not really seen since the vietnam war. and given how much control there is over the news, I wonder what we aren't hearing about? federal agents being attacked? death threats to political officials? as I've written before, it's amazing what doesn't get reported. I think it's very clear there is a problem, that the "people" are NOT happy.

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